comes, who goes, who knows?
There was this beloved pal around twelve
springs ago
Locations were far off, operating points
were never on the way.
But, we had the world’s time to talk from
zero to quantum physics
Time was made, resting reasons aside.
Autumns pass, people and priorities
But, I often feel ambiguous – ‘Should few
treasured bonds’
Be comprised of it ???
Yes, what we fail to comprehend is –
Valued by us no more is valuable from
another end
Expectations come true only when it is
two ways
Today, we are in the neighbourhood
Exchanging few familiar face wishes
There was a time – We were far, minds were adjacent.
Ironically, today – We are adjacent, minds are far.
Who comes, who goes … who knows??
Moments pass, memories stay.
Just cherish as the best days of life