Wednesday, December 27, 2017

My Mother – An Amazing Architect.

It was calm evening and a silent surrounding
It was indeed a magnificent sight of my life
Mother Nature – being behind the scene,
Who protects us at every step.
Here was a mother teaching her kid
How to walk step by step.

It was my mother who taught me how to walk
It was my mother who taught me the values of life
It was my mother who taught me how to struggle before succeeding
It was my mother who taught me to discover happiness in small aspects of life
It was my mother who taught me to see dreams and to strive for it for becoming true.

It was my mother who endured all that pain… just for me to see alive
It was my mother who cried when I slept ill at my sit out.
It was my mother who strived while I was budding
It was just my mother who made me a beautiful sculpture

Hats off Mom! You are an amazing architect. 

Note: One of the old penned thoughts dedicated to my mother, getting reposted here on my blog. 

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